Third Grade
In the third grade at Immanuel Lutheran School, our Religion Studies focus on understanding the key concepts of faith, such as Law, gospel, confession, repentance, forgiveness and grace. Selected, sequential Bible stories are read that span Biblical history.
In Social Studies, students learn about communities, focusing on our own community, Danbury, and how our community compares to those around the world. Students explore government on the local, county, state and national levels. Students discuss the use of natural resources, farming, mining and port communities.
In Math, students review basic addition and subtraction facts, and progress to addition and subtraction of four-digit numbers. Multiplication and division by one-digit numbers and progression into double digits is learned. Students also explore geometry, fractions and measurement.
The Science curriculum focuses on life cycles of plants and animals, the sun, moon and stars, energy, the Earth’s water and the role of living things.
In Writing, students focus on the proper stages of the writing process, editing their work and publishing their own writing pieces. Students develop cursive writing skills and improve legibility. They learn about parts of grammar with an emphasis placed on correctly written English sentences and paragraphs. Various styles of writing are taught.
The Reading curriculum is based on the Balanced Literacy approach, which includes the skills students need in order to be successful readers. Reading focuses on choosing books that are appropriate for each student’s reading level, learning literary elements, fiction and non-fiction texts, poetry and author studies. Students are encouraged to read independently for enjoyment.
In Spelling/ Vocabulary, students learn new vocabulary words and their spellings and meanings, root words, use of context clues and focus on correctly spelling words in written work.
Fourth Grade
Fourth-graders' Religion studies at Immanuel Lutheran School include learning to pray regularly, and finding ways to express praise and thankfulness to God for his many gifts.
In the Social Studies curriculum, students learn about North America's first explorers, natural U.S. boundaries, precipitation, U.S. geography, latitude and longitude, and the form of government in the United States.
Math studies focus on reading and writing numbers with up to 9 digits, adding a column of three or more numbers, multiplying 3-digit by 2-digit numbers, multiplying 4-digit by 1-digit numbers, telling time to the minute, reading and writing decimals, and more.
In Language, students learn to identify and write complete sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation, to identify parts of speech, to define and use similes and metaphors, and to write a poem.
Students increase their Vocabulary, Spelling abilities and reading comprehension skills, and master cursive writing.
The Science curriculum focuses on the uses of plants, the process by which plants make food, the characteristics of oceans and estuaries, how fossils were formed, static electricity and other topics.